Cream, crime & cupcakes   

Cream, crime & cupcakes

Yara March

E-boek. 202Publishers 2020.
ISBN 9789082139792

Over de uitgeverij

A romantic feelgood novel about four girlfriends, fraud, love, excitement, and lots of Cream When Miranda and her girlfriends go on a well deserved holiday, they don't realise that there lives will be upside down very soon. Two find the love of their life but before that, they are burglard, shot at and one of them is kidnapped. The first meeting of Miranda and Marc Lutz is a disaster. She calls him a moron from that moment on, with a capital M. It takes an accidentally changed suitcase at the airport to bring them together again. The meeting only confirms her idea about Marc so she goes for Tim! What a terrific kisser he is. Marc doesn't realise all this as he is being absorbed in a complex fraud in his firm. The moment he becomes a suspect himself, he is forced to start his own investigations. Miranda though, keeps occupying his thoughts and dreams. When she becomes a suspect too, everything switches into overdrive...And then people start to die

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Cream, crime & cupcakes
Cream, crime & cupcakes


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